This week I have heard of so many situations where people are at war with each other. Their reasons seem so silly when we remember we are eternal being on a Real Mission with a commission from a REAL God!
As I ponder back over my life I think how silly I was to lose relationship with someone in order to be "Right." Is it an age thing or Christian Maturity?
The Jesus I claim to follow said I must die to self. I must become less so that He can become more. It's another opposite to the world view that says, "YOU HAVE RIGHTS! YOU MUST BE HEARD." Folks, I believe that is rubbish. As we make it first priority to live as Jesus would have us live we start to experience life, and life in all its fulness.
Oh how easily we are robbed of a blessing by our need to be right or recognised. Who are we out to impress? God sees every little thing we do! That's scary and also a great comfort to me. Scary because I often make bad choices. A comfort because its His job to look after "my rights" or not as He chooses.
Friends, keep relationship were ever possible. The evil one loves to divide and pick us off one by one. Remember scripture tells us today we only know in part. So before we go to war lets be sure the cost of winning is not a lot less than the cost of not winning. Lets be willing to be wrong, misunderstood and forgotten about in order that His purposes can be achieved without "our rights" getting in the way.
Prayer: Lord, Help me be focused on the Real Mission. Help my attitude be the same as Jesus who demonstrated humility in every earthly step He took.
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