Sometimes things only become real when we share them. It only feels like your birthday when others know this is your day. When the first person says, "Happy Birthday" and the postman delivers cards it suddenly feels like YOUR birthday.
We are created to live in community and function best with people around us. For years I worked as a counsellor and was amazed at the power of words. A client would come in nearly suicidal, looking withdrawn and sometimes even scarely. As we unpacked truths about who God says we are and focused on Him and not the problems, it was often like someone had turned the lights on in a dark room. Visibly the client looked different. They now had hope.

I often meet Christians who say something like, "I wish I had your faith." I strongly encourage them to share what faith they have. As we verbise God's love it becomes very real. We nail our colours to the mask and declare we are now living for God. What else happens?
Strangely enough, people get saved! I have met a dozen or so exceptions to the rule, but most people come to know God through an introduction. They hear the gospel. The Good News. There are maybe some people that you have a influence on. Friends, family or colleagues. Maybe just maybe; you are the messenger of truth and love for them.
The crazy thing is as you share it your faith grows. God seems to draw nearer as we say, "Use me Lord to reach the lost."
In my experience not everyone does respond there and then but some do. The bible tells us that God wants NONE to perlish! It also says the labourers (the people who share the Good News) are few but the people ready to hear are many! Go on tell someone today. Share that wonderful story you have and watch the beautiful things that will happen in your life and theirs.
Prayer: "Heavenly Father, please give me the words to speak to the lost people around me that you have put into my life. May I be used a vessel of salvation to my generation."
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