In my search for truth on this subject I have discovered that many doctors who have no faith have started to recommend regular fasting as being healthy and prolonging life. I guess God knew what He was doing when He encouraged us to fast.
Fasting is not a way of twisting God's arm or heart to give us something we really want or think we need. It is a way of helping us focus on the "real bread of life." Jesus said, "I am the bread of life." As we leave food for a period we often are able to focus so much more on the spiritual and hear more clearly from God. Our lives stop being about feeding the flesh and start being about feeding the spirit.
Strongholds in our life suddenly lose their strength to hold us back. We can experience a new fruitfulness in our devotional and ministry life.
It is yet another example of the "Upside Down kingdom." The world says eat loads and be strong. God says when you are strong in the flesh you are weak. Seek Me before food.
In these days more than others in my short lifetime I feel having a hunger for God is more important than food, money, status or the thoughts of others. If regular fasting helps develop that hunger, count me in!
I strongly recommend you begin your own fasting adventure. Beware of a couple of pitfalls though before you start your own fasting experiences.
- Understand that God can NOT love you anymore. Fasting will not make God love you any more for its impossible for Him to do so. He loves you as if you are the only person on the planet.
- We are saved by the precious blood of Jesus and not by works. Fasting wont get you into heaven!
- Legalism kills the spirit. Fasting is great if your heart is to know God's more.
- If you have physical health issues consult your doctor. You may well be surprised what he says.
Please share your experiences of fasting for others to be blessed...............
The results in the past few months in my life? I have a deep inner joy that I would trade for nothing. I have seen ministry bare fruit that was not happening for a long time. Fear has no stronghold over my life. Thank you Jesus.
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