Last night there were something like 1200-1300 people gathered in the Royal Highland Show ground praising God and giving generously to "Heart for Haiti".
At the same time a youth event called Powerpoint was happening in the citycentre with other 200 "youth".
So on Friday the 11th June we had over 1500 people praising God and praying on a Friday night on the very day that the World Cup began.
This represents only about 0.3% of our Edinburgh population. However if you were at the Royal Highland Show ground as I was, you might have thought that good times have arrived. Four awesome, album selling, worship leaders. Christians expressing their interest and care in foreign mission. Speakers full of passion talking about the heart of God.
Reflecting on the event the day after; I want to steal a phase from the long forgotten "Gordon Brown." He often spoke about the "green shoots" of recovery. I have seen many signs of those recently in Edinburgh. More testimonies of people experiencing a "born again" experience. In the last seven years a good number of new church plants that have been established and have survived. Pastors actually talking to each other and starting to have a Kingdom view and not just a vision for them and theirs.
So to answer my question "Are we winning?" If winning is more people knowing there is a God who cares and chosing to worship Him, then I think we are making steady progress. My heart would be to see many of the bible believing churches start to gather together to pray. Imagine if God's people really desired God's purposes for Edinburgh. Could Scotland's capital once again become the city of Godly preachers? Could the land of the book have a real message for a modern world today? Could we begin to send more missionaries to foreign lands that any other nation again? With God it is possible. Who are you believing today?
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